Thursday 8 October 2009

Library Thursdays: Libby Kumin online mini workshop plus Mental Wellness authors

Woodbine House, publishers of the Topics in Down Syndrome series, has an online mini-workshop for parents of children 6-14 by Libby Kumin, drawn from her book in that series, Helping Children with Down syndrome Communicate Better.
The workshop is titled, Home is at the Heart of Communication and it gives many tips for improving your child's communication skills at home or with the family.
If you found it too overwhelming to go through the whole book by Kumin, try a couple things in this article. And when you are ready for more, borrow the book from the library.

Also from Woodbine House is a question and answer article with the
authors of one of our most popular books, Mental Wellness in Adults with Down syndrome. Dennis McGuire and Brian Chicoine answer questions about behaviours of concern
to parents and workmates of teenagers through adults. They cover grooves, comparison to ADHD, odd physical behaviour amongst other things. Despite the title, the book can also help understand behaviour in adolescents and is highly recommended for all parents.
If you'd like to borrow either book, just email or phone the library.

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