Thursday 29 October 2009

Library Thursdays: Up Up and Away DVD and Manual

Following on from last week, another DVD has come into the library about adults with Down syndrome working towards their goals. The Up Up and Away project recently launched its DVD and manual showing how to set up a program that enables adults to identity their interests and goals and set up the supports that make attaining those goals possible. The DVD is inspiring to watch. It shows the change that occurs for the young adults throughout the program. And the young people, their family and support teams all give their views.

Also new to the library is another book which may help some people with Down syndrome follow their interests or reach some goals. It is the Next Chapter Book Club (Woodbine House, 2009). We have blogged before about this concept, but now everything you need to know to set up your own book group is contained in this book. It also explains the benefits
and talks about the groups already in existence. We still hope to get funding to set up a trial group, but now you don't need to wait for that, just borrow this book and get started.
To borrow this or the Up Up and Away program DVD and manual, just email us.

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