Tuesday 27 October 2009

Photo Project

An invitation to men and women with Down syndrome:

Would you like to have a photograph taken with your boyfriend or girlfriend, partner or family?

At your home, in a local park or at a wedding or commitment ceremony?

Liz Dore, from Relationships and Private Stuff, is hoping to collect photos of a diverse range of couple, including those with intellectual disability. They would be used to create a set of A4 and A5 laminated cards to be used in relationships counselling and educational workshops. You would receive a photo enlargement and digital frames.

If you and your partner are interested, please contact Liz Dore, Relationships Counsellor and Educator: 0416 122 634 or email lizdore@bigpond.com


1 comment:

  1. Graft and corruption has been on this planet for generations. There is a group home on the East Side of NYC named the Bernard Fineson Residence. The manager of this facility Curtis Walker, background unknown, has stolen tens of thousands of dollars in currency and supplies over the years. Fake Medicaid vouchers forged documents with fake signatures leaving SSI funds over to himself. Thefts from the group home pantry, stolen supplies of soap, detergent, toothbrushes, air fresheners, etc., are now sitting in his garage in Brooklyn waiting to be hocked. It's a joke when I hear that the Gov't protects the disabled when this stuff goes on.
