Monday 19 October 2009

A string of successful Buddy Walks ......

Buddy Walk Sydney, as we said was a great success. Thanks to Louise who has sent through her photos - here is a sample ..... Love Junx energised the whole event, and we had a great time meeting up with the Love Junx members and their families.

Buddy Walk Newcastle (yesterday) was huge, and great fun. Thanks to the Brown, Hepplewhite, Moran, Pettet and Taylor families who were the core of the organising team. It was a beautiful setting, the weather held, the entertainment was magnificent. Pictures to come.

Wollongong (also yesterday) was informal and low key, but very enjoyable for the happy local band who met for a picnic and a stroll around their beautiful harbour.

Buddy Walk Canberra (on Saturday) was also a great success - the kids had good fun having their "passports" checked along the way, Lake Burley Griffin sparkled, there were fairies, Muppets, and all sorts of characters.

We hear that the inaugural Buddy Walk in Melbourne went off with a bang too - more than 600 people registered.

By the time the Wagga Wagga Twilight Walk ends next Saturday evening (24th), more than 1000 people will have participated in NSW this year.

Thanks for being part of the fun.

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