Friday 13 November 2009

Chooks vs the disabled - hot tempers over access to parkland

The Daily Telegraph
November 13, 2009

Chooks are being pitted against the disabled in a community stoush for the moral high ground.

The grab for land has two social justice movements - being green versus helping the less fortunate - coming to blows.

Two community groups, Unite the Park and Local Living, are lobbying for the use of three dilapidated houses - one fighting for disability homes and the other for a community garden, trees, an orchard and chook pen in Sydney's affluent inner-west.

The 3000sq m block is owned by the Department of Planning and is expected to be handed to Leichhardt Council to be turned into parkland.

A group of parents who support more housing in the area, Local Living, has urged the council to convert it into supported housing.

Unite the Park want an exclusive gated garden. Read the whole article here.

1 comment:

  1. The solution is easy. Put a fence around the boundary of the 3000 square meter block, renovate the three houses for supported accommodation for severe / profound intellectually disabled people, put the fruit trees and chook pens around the grounds and invite the neighbors in to work in the orchard with the residents.This is true community integration which our governments congratulate themselves on providing so here they can put their hot air into action and actually provide some!
