Tuesday 24 November 2009

Feasibility study on NDIS announced

The 7.30 Report (ABC TV) reported the Federal Government's announcement of the Productivity Commission's feasibility study of a National Disability Insurance Scheme last night Click here for the TV report.

Other media:

Insurance scheme may allow lifetime care for disabled
Mark Davis, National Editor
Sydney Morning Herald, 24/11/2009

The Federal Government will consider introducing a Medicare-style national insurance scheme to provide lifetime medical treatment and care for people with serious disabilities.

The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, announced last night that the Government would conduct a feasibility study into ways to fund and deliver long-term care for severely and profoundly disabled people who needed daily help.

The Productivity Commission will be asked to examine a social insurance model, which could be funded by a levy across the whole population, to care for those born with severe disabilities and those who become disabled in accidents.

Mr Rudd said the inquiry would examine the costs and benefits of replacing the existing system of disability services with an approach that would provide long-term essential care and support, no matter how people acquired their disability.

Read the full story here.

Links to media on the announcement is gathered on the "News" page of the National Disability Insurance Scheme campaign website.

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