Wednesday 4 November 2009

Library Thursdays: Other Australian Websites and Newsletters

In addition to the books, videos and kits available in the library, we also have newsletters from many organisations including Down syndrome associations throughout Australia and the world. Articles from these are referred to from time to time in our newsletter but many of these are available from the associations' websites as well as other interesting things.

Down Syndrome Victoria's journal, Voice . The current issue, Spring 2009, includes articles on: Teaching new skills and building competence, Healthy lives and informed choices. You can have both! by Joan Guthrie Medlen, "Says who?: Life stories and people with Down syndrome by Amie O'Shea, Story books by Kirsten Deane (about creating books for your child), Tim's story by Kate Calwell.

Some of the past issue's articles are available on their website from the Journal menu item (this will show up in the menu on the left after clicking Down Syndrome Victoria from that menu and then Publications even though nothing will appear on the Publications page. (I think the site is still developing).)

Down Syndrome Western Australia has recently launched their new website. Their newsletter, The Diary is available online. The site has other interesting informtion and there is also a link to the developmental disability library in WA--ACTIV.

Down Syndrome Association Queensland's newsletter, DSAQ Digest is not available on their website but the latest issue in our library has articles on; Health checks, World Down Syndrome Day 2009, Queensland Companion Card, Siblings, and Vision & Glasses.

ACT Down Syndrome Association's newsletter is also not online, but their website is up to date.

Down Syndrome Tasmania's newsletter of Winter 2009 had articles about its 25th birthday, Tim's Story, and Two choices: I hope I made the right one- an article about putting inclusion above winning in a baseball game.

Down Syndrome Society of South Australia produce their own informational books and these can be purchased from their site.

Foundation 21 (South Australia) also has a few pictures and news items from their events.

Down Syndrome Association of the Northern Territory do not have a website, but they do have a newsletter. In their September 2009 edition, articles include a Report from the World Down Syndrome Congress, a History of Down Syndrome and tips on Introducing the computer to a child or student.
We have links to all the Australian associations (their location, website and contact details) on our website.

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