Thursday 26 November 2009

Library Thursdays: Other libraries of interest

We like to think that our library has a great collection of materials pertaining to Down syndrome. However, it is not our focus (or within our budget) to be able to provide every material you may want from the broader areas of disability, inclusion, learning support. Fortunately, there are some great libraries out there that you can access.

The NSW Department of Education and Training and the Sherlock family set up the Jill Sherlock Memorial Learning Assistance Library in memory of Jill Sherlock who was a support teacher in Western Sydney. It has resources to help students with learning difficulties. The catalogue is online and you can also pose a question for the librarian via the web. Teachers as well as parents can join the library at no cost.

Another useful library if you need resources on inclusion, is the FamilyAdvocacy Inclusion Collection. Family Advocacy supports families of people with an intellectual disability. The collection provides resources with the aim to "support and inspire" and articles and videos have practical examples of how people with intellectual disabilities can be included in the community. A reading room highlights the latest resources. (A few articles on self managed community participation.) Resources can be searched for online. Articles from the library are emailed at no cost or they and other resources can be mailed with just postage charges.

The NSW Council for Intellectual Disabilities in Surry Hills have a reference library, the Jim McLoughlin Reference Library which is open to people with intellectual disabilities and their families and carers plus others who are interested. The catalogue is not online, but you can send a request for information from their website. The library can be accessed Monday to Friday 10-4 by appointment.

The Nepean Area Disabilites Organisation have a Specialist Disability Information Library. It is lo
cated in Penrith and is open to anyone who wants to join for a small fee. Their catalogue is available to search and reserve items online. The collection has a wide range of resources relating to information about various disabilities, therapies, support, and services.

Of course, we hope that most of the time you will find what you need in our library. Members may borrow resources for 4 weeks and may renew if necessary. To obtain resources, call or email us with specific requests or ask our advice. Resources can be picked up from the library or we will mail them out to you. You are responsible for returning them on time so that others may access them. Donations to help with postage costs are welcome. Non-members may come into our offices to use the materials Monday to Friday 10-4. Information is also available from our website as well as by phone.

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