Thursday 10 December 2009

Library Thursdays: Toilet Training

Now that summer is here and the school year is coming to a close, we start thinking about lazy days at the beach, Christmas, holidays and...toilet training. It is a perfect time since we are often home more and can rush to the toilet more easily. The weather is warm so children can run around without their nappies and understand what is going on. The library has a few resources that can help the process.

Toilet Time Parenting Packages (Toilet Training for Young Children with Developmental Delay) (developed by Intellectual Disability Services Council in South Australia, 2004) come in two versions: Emily (for girls) and Tom (for boys). They include an information book for parents with readiness checklist and record chart, visuals (cards), star chart and a series of books for the child. Toilet Time packages can be borrowed from the library or are available for purchase from the Service SA shop.
The library also has a DVD available: Are you ready? which includes the animated film, Tom's Toileting Triumph (Tom is the same character as in the Toilet Time package) and also a film for parents.
Also available in the library is One step at a time: Toilet training a child with an intellectual disability (Continence Foundation of Australia, Victorian Branch, 2000.) and there is a section on toilet training in Steps to Independence: Teaching everyday skills to children with Special Needs by Bruce Baker and Alan J. Brightman, 2004.
Online resources:
Visual aids for learning toileting visuals
Articles on toilet training a child with Down syndrome and knowing whether they are ready:

Online booklet for parents with illustrations and captions for children to help with toilet training: Talk about going to the toilet by Nancy Grace
If you'd like to borrow the Toilet Time kit or any other resources from the library, or want some advice on any resources just email us or call. Our direct phone number is (02) 9941 4410. The library is staffed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will be closed for 2 weeks from 21st of December - 4th January.

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