Wednesday 30 December 2009

Life itself changes the 'Meaning of Life' : a new blog

Penny Green is the Director of the Down's Heart Group, a UK organisation supporting families of people with Down syndrome who also have heart conditions. Just last month, Penny started a blog, Life itself changes the 'Meaning of Life'. Her stories are not always easy reading - some fo the families DHG supports have dealth with very complex and difficult health concerns.

At the moment, she is introducing people with Down syndrome, one a day, over the twelve days of Christmas. Tuesday 29th December's (the 4th Day of Christmas) entry is about Hannah Carty, who is the second person with DS to have had a heart transplant in the UK.

The Down's Heart Group website is a valuable source of information about the common cardiac conditions that people with Down syndrome encounter, and their management.

We've placed a permanent link to both the blog and the website in the right hand column of this blog.

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