Tuesday 8 December 2009

NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Education of Students with a Disability

Press release the NSW Legislative Council, 3rd December 2009:

The Chair of (Legislative Council's) General Purpose Standing Committee No.2, Ms Robyn Parker MLC, has announced a new Inquiry into the provision of education to students with a disability or special needs.

“Interacting with the education system can be a frustrating and confusing experience for parents
of a child with a disability or special needs, as they attempt to ensure that their child gets
adequate support to reach their full potential”, said Ms Parker.

“An area of concern for teachers and parents alike is the adequacy of funding for children with a disability or special needs attending NSW schools. The Inquiry was established in recognition of their concerns”, Ms Parker noted.

Click here for the full ext of the press release.

From the Inquiry's web page:

The General Purpose Standing Committee No. 2 has commenced its Inquiry into the provision of education to students with a disability or special needs attending primary or secondary schools, with a particular focus on what can be learned from International and Federal approaches, and approaches in other States and Territories.

The Committee encourages public participation in the Inquiry process. Written submissions addressing the inquiry terms of reference can be emailed, faxed or mailed to the committee secretariat by the closing date, 19 February 2010.


» Call for submissions: 9 Dec 2009
» Submissions close: 19 Feb 2010

Down Syndrome NSW will make a submission to the Inquiry, and parents and other interested members of the public are invited to make submissions.

Visit the Inquiry's web pages for details of the terms of reference of the Inquiry, of the public hearings scheduled for 22nd and 23rd March 2010, and for details on making a written submission.

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