Wednesday 23 December 2009

Order of Liverpoool awarded to Melissa Cotterill

Down Syndrome NSW congratulates our recently retired Board member Melissa Cotterill, mother of Alyssa, for receiving an Order of Liverpool Award this month. As her citation read, Melissa is “an active fundraiser, group facilitator and ambassador; she has raised more than $55,000 from annual fundraising events”, in particular the amazing World Down Syndrome Day Markets Melissa has organised over the past 3 years.

Dr Andrew McDonald, MP for Macquarie Fields, Liverpool City Mayor Wendy Waller, and Melissa Cotterill.

Liverpool City Mayor Wendy Waller said “I would like to thank [Melissa and the other award recipients] for their ongoing dedication and commitment to our local community. Your efforts have enhanced the quality of life in Liverpool City.”

Alyssa Cotterill charms the guests.

Melissa also runs a monthly morning tea group for parents of children with Down syndrome in South West Sydney – call or email the DS NSW office for details.

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