Thursday 28 January 2010

Library Thursdays: Back to School

With another school year starting this week, whether your child is starting at a new school, in a new class or just a new year, you may be interested in viewing or reading some resources that can help make this year a good one.

Inclusion in Practice: Educating Children with Down Syndrome DVD from DownsEd
Let your teachers know about the availability of Downs Ed online publications (Reading, Maths, Education overview, Accessing the curriculum and others)

Other Inclusion resources (see last year's blog) and making inclusion work

The Pacer Center website has parent fact sheets that may come in handy. It is important to maintain good communication with your teacher. Use questions to find answers: A guide for parents of children receiving special education services gives suggestions to asking the right questions of teachers and administrators to find out what you want to know.

Other publications about education:

Other links can be found on our Learning, education and schooling pages on the DSNSW website

The library also has a variety of children's books that help explain Down syndrome to children or simply have characters in the books who have Down syndrome.
A list of these for primary aged children is available here and may be used to give to school libraries who would want to include these for the school community.

If other questions or needs come up that these resources don't cover or you'd like to borrow any resources from the library, please email us.

Have a great school year.

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