Tuesday 9 February 2010

2 Twin Sisters blog

Now here's an unusual blog for our community. There are many blogs about babies and young children, and a few about and by teenagers and young adults, and we read lots of them regularly.

2 Twin Sisters is about ... well two twin sisters, one of whom has Down syndrome. The sisters are 58, and Elizabeth (Lizzie) also has Alzheimer's disease. She lives with her twin sister, Greek Diva who is her primary carer, and the blogger. She introduces their blog like this:

I have a story to tell. This blog will be about my journey through life with my twin sister Elizabeth who has Down Syndrome and now struggles with Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type common to Down Syndrome adults her age. My intent is to inform family and friends, educate others in similar situations, and learn to help myself as readers share posts and comments.

In and early post she says:

I have no desire whatsoever to appear a martyr in my efforts to provide the best possible life for Elizabeth, so we’ll skip the kudos. I am hoping someone out there will offer me encouragement and if you read something you have experienced, please share so I know I am not alone in all of this.

A break from blogging early in 2009 ended with this wry comment:

It’s been a long time since I have blogged about my sister and that is not because she hasn’t provided me with material.
Sometimes things are difficult for one or both of the 2 Twin Sisters (Lizzie's description of them), but they are also ordinary and sometimes fun. There is a lot of warmth, some fairly straight talking, some questions, information, ideas and glimpses of everyday life. It's not for everyone, but you'll know if it's for you.

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