Thursday 11 February 2010

Library Thursdays: Buses & Trains for everyone

Buses & Trains for everyone is a kit put together by Easter Seals in the US as a curriculum for teachers and paraprofessional to train students including those with disabilities to use public transport.
It contains a workbook for older children, a comic book and workbook for younger children, worksheets, curriculum plans, and instructor training guide. Many of these are available to download from their website. There is also a student section with activities, encouragement to create their own activities and games (although on my computer I had a little trouble getting the windows to be big enough to play the games). The resources are American and so not all are directly transferrable to the Australian situation. There may be resources available in Australia that provide a curriculum such as this, but it is not as easily obtainable as this program. It is also not made specifically for people with Down syndrome or even intellectual disability and could be a bit more visual, however, it is a useful resource when teaching travel skills to promote independence and safety.
The library also has the program in booklet form and CDs with the information as well as a video to go with the lessons.
If you are interested in borrowing this or any other materials, please call or email.

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