Thursday 11 March 2010

Library Thursdays: Behaviour resources

Every parent has to address behaviour issues with their children and parents of children with Down syndrome are no exception. Communication and medical issues can add an extra layer to this. There are many resources out there to help. The library has many resources on behaviour and social skills. One of which is the Stepping Stones Triple P: A survival guide for families with a child who has a disability. This is a video and booklet that uses the Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) to work out ways to deal with difficult behaviour. For more information or to find a course or practioner in your area go to The Triple P website.

Disability Solutions has an old but still useful issue dedicated to challenging behaviours. Down Syndrome Education International discusses the research dealing with social behaviour in its Social Development in children with Down syndrome book available online or from our library.

Other resources:

Kathleen Feeley & Emily Jones, Strategies to address challenging behaviour in children with Down syndrome, Down Syndrome Research and Practice 2008, 12:(2) 153-163.

Carol Johnson's article, Stubborn is as stubborn does

Other links on our website under Communication,language and Behaviour.
If you'd like to borrow Stepping Stones or any other resource from the library, just email us.

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