Tuesday 27 April 2010

Revision of the National Standards for Disability Services

From April 2010, people will be able to participate in consultations to support a revision of the National Standards for Disability Services (National Standards). The consultation is open until July 2010.

Focus Groups
For further information on focus groups and workshops in NSW, please contact Sonia Davda, Policy Officer, Ageing, Disability and Home Care on (02) 8270 2093 or by email at sonia.davda@dadhc.nsw.gov.au

Online Survey
From 21 April 2010, people wishing to complete an online survey can go to

Written Submission
From 20 April 2010, people wishing to write a submission can find the template at

Telephone feedback
From 22 April 2010, people wishing to give telephone feedback can call the NSW Fair Trading Information Centre on 1300 528 937.

Source, and further information:
Revision of the National Standards for Disability Services,  Bulletin #3 – March 2010, posted on the AHDC website.

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