Tuesday 1 June 2010

Consultation with families of children with a disability: NSW Ombudsman

Do services work together to help you?
Are you getting help to support your child to live at home?
We are very interested to hear from families about:

Specialist disability services including:
• information about disability services and being taken on to receive services
• intensive family support and other family support
• respite
• early intervention
• therapy
• case management
• transition support services (transition to school, from school to work, and when leaving care to adult disability services.)
• support for carers
• physical aids and equipment
• the way specialist services work together and link to mainstream services for families and children.

Services for families in the community such as:
• child care, out-of-school hours care and vacation care
• pre-school and primary and secondary school
• health services
• public transport
• sport and recreation.

It is important that children with a disability and their families get the help they need. We will let government know what families say about the support and services they need.

Share Your Views

You can share your views in person, by telephone or by email. To participate please contact:

Christine Flynn, Project Manager Telephone: (02) 9265 0410 email: cflynn@ombo.nsw.gov.au

Linda Blue, Project Officer Telephone: (02) 9286 0950 email: lblue@ombo.nsw.gov.au

Privacy and confidentiality
What you tell us will be kept confidential by our office. Your personal information, for example, your name, will not be used in the report. Individual services will not be named – we are looking at the overall system.

The NSW Ombudsman is independent of government and community and disability services.  

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