Monday 21 June 2010

Dementia highlighted in press, new project for DS NSW

The increased incidence of dementia amongst older people with Down syndrome, and the challenges it poses,  was highlighted in an article by the Health Editor, Julie Robotham, in today's Sydney Morning Herald, accompanied by a lovely photo of Trevor Sweeney and his sister, Barbara Grills, which is unfortunately not on the article's web page.

The article also mentions a very welcome new one year grant to Down Syndrome NSW from the Australian Government, to develop information services for family and professional carers of people with Down syndrome and dementia.  The project is in the early planning stages, and details of resources and events will be announced shortly.

Clarification- Steve Clarke, CEO of Down Syndrome NSW did not actually say that establishing a baseline for people with Down syndrome in their 20s is "controversial" - it is well accepted that such a practice is useful, although there is no single, universally accepted assessment process.  Down Syndrome NSW supports appropriate assessment, at intervals as recommended by experts in the field. Those experts would also caution against over-assessment.

Down Syndrome and Alzheimer's Disease - Australian guidelines, published in 2009, available for free download.  Print copies are available free from Down Syndrome NSW - call our librarian, Kathi Beck, on 02 9841 4410, or email

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