Monday 28 June 2010

NSW Upper House inquiry into services provided or funded by ADHC

This inquiry is a current Legislative Council inquiry conducted by the Social Issues Committee. This inquiry was proposed by Mr Ian Cohen on 24 June 2010, to report on the quality, effectiveness and delivery of services provided or funded by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC).

Terms of reference, submission requirements and detail for public hearings are available from the inquiry's webpage.

Four public hearing days are scheduled at the Jubilee Room, NSW Parliament House, on 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th August 2010.
Submissions close: 6 Aug 2010

Final Report Due: 30 Sep 2010
Note:  this is a separate inquiry to the ADHC consultations referred to in this post. and this one, posted on 22/06/2010, and from the Ombudsman's current investigation into services for families of children with disabilities, referred to here.

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