Thursday 22 July 2010

Library Thursdays: Coeliac Disease Resources

According to Dasha Weir, who gave the Allan Crocker lecture on Celiac Disease and Down syndrome, 5% of people with Down syndrome have Celiac Disease. Some studies put this figure as high as 16%. Whatever the true figure is, it is higher than the incidence in the general population (about 1%) so it is useful to be aware of the symptoms and treatments. The following online articles, talks and websites are very useful resources. Also in our library, we have Kids with Celiac Disease: A family guide to raising happy healthy gluten-free children by Danna Korn (Woodbine,2001) and Incredible Edible Gluten-Free Food for Kids by Sheri L. Sanderson(Woodbine House, 2002).

To borrow any of the books mentioned or anything else, just call or email us.

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