Friday 2 July 2010

Positions Vacant at Down Syndrome NSW

Inquiries to CEO, Steve Clarke at  or 02 9841 4408
Down Syndrome NSW is expanding its professional team in the new financial year, developing some new projects, and expanding existing ones.

‘Independent Living Support Initiative’ - Project Manager
The Independent Living Support Initiative model will aim to assist people with a disability who have ageing carers to move into an independent living arrangement through intensive skills development, and by supporting their transition to long term accommodation including meeting their on-going support needs. DS NSW will develop the model in conjunction with service providers and Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC), by building on the Up Up and Away program and existing independent living programs.

Program Research and Development Coordinator
– this role will involve researching, developing and formally documenting and pricing educational modules, programs and services of DS NSW (current and future), developing evaluation tools, as well as documenting issues and collating evidence for advocacy campaigns. The role will also involve researching best practice programs from interstate and overseas, and examining how they may be applicable to NSW.

Marketing and Communications Coordinator
- this role will involve developing written communications in particular, including grant applications, media releases, direct mail, brochures, etc.

Education and Resources Manager
– this role will oversee DS NSW’s expanding educational program including seminars and workshop program for carers and professionals, the DS NSW resources library, our publications and advocacy work

Education and Training Coordinator
– this role involves planning, organising, scheduling and implementing our state-wide educational events to meet the needs of parents and family carers of people with Down syndrome, and similarly, a series of information seminars for professionals working in the areas of health and education who directly support people with Down syndrome.

For more information about any of these positions please contact Steve Clarke on 02 9841 4408 or or check the DS NSW website

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