Friday 27 August 2010

Advertisement to recruit members for the NSW Carers Advisory Council

Ageing, Disability and Home Care has posted this advertisement on their website:
People with knowledge and experience relating to carers are invited to apply for membership of the NSW Carers Advisory Council. Up to 12 members will be appointed. Members will normally serve for 3 years. Sitting fees and associated costs will be payable to members who are not public sector employees.
The NSW Government is establishing the NSW Carers Advisory Council under the NSW Carers (Recognition) Act 2010, to advance the interests of carers and to review and make recommendations to the Minister on legislation, policy or other matters having a significant impact on carers.
Members will be selected to ensure that the diverse needs and interests of carers are represented including (but not limited to) Aboriginal carers, carers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people caring for a family member with a physical or intellectual disability, young carers, ageing carers, carers of people with mental illness, carers of people with a chronic illness and carers from both metropolitan and rural/remote areas.

Selection criteria
Applicants for membership of the Council will need to have:
  • experience as a primary carer;
  • capacity to represent the broader views of carers;
  • demonstrated commitment to the wellbeing of carers;
  • good communication skills.

 Further information
For an information package on how to apply for membership, please contact Jenny Noble, Executive Assistant, Respite and Carers Directorate, Ageing, Disability and Home Care, NSW Department of Human Services on (02) 9277 5618 or at

Applications close at 5 pm on Monday 13 September 2010.

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