Monday 30 August 2010

Leaders call to create portfolio for disability

An alliance of 10 leading Australian disability groups have called on Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott to commit to the creation of a dedicated Ministry for Disability if they win the election.

The alliance, comprising the organisations listed below, has called on all parties to indicate their support for Australians living with a disability by committing to this essential and emblematic measure.

A spokesperson for the alliance said an estimated one in five Australians* was living with a disability, representing a considerable voice at the ballot box.

“Both parties have indicated they believe disability is a critical social issue by supporting the Productivity Commission inquiry into a National Disability Long-Term Care and Support Scheme, or NDIS,” the spokesperson said.

“Both parties are aware that Australians with a disability have an expectation that this inquiry, the first exploration of its type since Federation, will initiate a totally new,more appropriate approach to supports and funding that will lead to better lives for Australians with a disability and their families.

“The development and delivery of this completely new approach can only be achieved under the leadership of a Minister with a portfolio devoted to disability, in the same way the critical issue of population growth has been recognised with its own dedicated ministry.”

* published in 2003 Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers.
Disability was defined as any limitation, restriction or impairment which has lasted, or is likely to last, for at least six months and restricts everyday activities.

Contact for further information and comment:
David Barbagallo, CEO, Endeavour Foundation: 07 3908 7201 or 0411 404 182
Mark Henley, CEO, Spinal Injuries Association: 07 3391 2044 or 0419 725 686

Spinal Injuries Association
Endeavour Foundation
Children with Disability Australia
AEIOU Foundation
Cerebral Palsy League
National Disability Services
Lifeline Community Care
Life Without Barriers

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