Sunday 1 August 2010

Sunday blog surfing .....

Alex is a 17 year old girl who lives with her family in Colorado.  A year ago, her mother started a blog to chronicle one year of her life, that she knew would culminate in the National Special Olympics Games in Nebraska earlier this month.  That year has now drawn to a close, and the blog is signed off, but you can still read it here:  The Ordinary Life of an Extraordinary Girl

Communication Skills for Life continues to provide strong, practical ideas and strategies for developing communication skills, and harnessing the motivation provided by individual interests ... with occasional glimpses into Jennifer's family life, including her three siblings who have Down syndrome.  This last week she tells about her brothers' success in the "Lose the Training Wheels" program.
Retired special educator and mother of 55 yr old Billy, Dr Jane Schulz has moved her blog to their joint website,, This week she has blogged about the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and has outed herself as a pushy parent (not that it was a secret!).  Jane and Billy have also appeared on the cover, and in the cover story of the Summer 2010 issue of the Western Carolina University magazine, "Pioneers together: a son with Down syndrome inspires his mother to become a leader in special education".   You can see them online here and download the magazine as a .pdf here to get a better idea of how it appeared in print.

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