Wednesday 18 August 2010

Woman's Day - Carers Special

The current issue of Woman's Day magazine (23rd August 2010) includes a Carers Special section, edited by Alan Jones.  It features input from several family carers, some of whom are celebrities.  Carer concerns are covered, as well as personal stories.  Down Syndrome NSW Patron, Craig Wing talks about his sister Kirsty, who has Down syndrome:
He's an international rugby sensation, but Craig Wing believes his 20-year-old sister, Kirsty, who was born with Down Syndrome, is the true star of his family.

"She loves being the centre of attention," the former Australian rugby league representative says. "She's definitely not delicate. She's happy, bubbly and you can never get the better of her."

Craig says caring for Kirsty over the years has been a whole family effort. "Mum is definitely her main carer, although we all help out," he says. "Being a carer means a lot more than being a parent. It's a full-time thing. Mum and Kirsty are incredibly close.

"Although Kirsty needs care, we try to treat her as normally as possible, which I think has made her more independent."

In 2007, Craig turned down a $400,000-a-season contract with the Gold Coast Titans because he didn't want to leave his family, particularly Kirsty, in Sydney. Now Kirsty has finished high school, and is applying for part-time jobs, Craig finally feels comfortable enough to take a lucrative contract to play in Japan.

"My four sisters have all just come over for a holiday," he says. "It was good to give Mum a break and we had a great time.

"You always worry about your family and your sisters. I guess with Kirsty I just worry a little bit more."

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