Friday 3 September 2010

DS NSW publications: Spring NSW

Down Syndrome NSW  publishes a number of regular publications, monthly and quarterly. The most recent print collection was mailed to members this week. Some are now available online too.
Voice, September 2010 - quarterly journal published in collaboration
with Down Syndrome Victoria
The theme for this issue is 'Looking ot the future'
Voice is available by subscription as a print publication.
The feature articles from each issue are posted online here
Active links to online resources referred to  are provided for readers' convenience:
Links to online resources in Voice, September 2010
Guidelines for contributors to Voice
Contact Down Syndrome NSW on 9841 4409 or  to subscribe to Voice.

Down Syndrome NSW News, Spring 2010 - a NSW nesw supplement to Voice
available online here

Down Syndrome NSW e-Update, September 2010 - a monthly information bulletin and listing of events
available online here

Speak UP! issue 38, Spring 2010 - a newsletter for and by people with Down syndrome
available online here

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