Thursday 30 September 2010

Library Thursdays: Bereavement resources

The library has many resources to help people with Down syndrome and their families through various life events. One area that can be a concern is explaining death and dealing with grief. The library has 3 books from the Books Beyond Words series dealing with this issue. When Somebody Dies, When Dad Died and When Mum Died.
Other resources in the library include: What Dead Mean: How to help children cope with death is a book to be used with an adult and child to help work through the issues associated with death and grief through drawing and writing. One page has more complex writing and the opposite has simple text. Let's Talk about Death: a booklet about deaths and funerals for adults who have a learning disability, a booklet put out by Down's Syndrome Scotland is a simple clear resource.
There are also some good resources online. The UK Down's Syndrome Association has a paper on how people with Down syndrome may experience grief and how to help them through this experience. The New Zealand Down Syndrome Association has written an article based on this paper and included some families' experience in a 2004 newsletter found here.
There are other books and resources for other challenges such as hospital visits, going to the dentist, and going to court. Check the library pages at resources for people with Down syndrome and Children's feelings resources.

If you'd like to borrow any of these or would like some help finding other resources or borrowing them, just email or call us.

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