Thursday 16 September 2010

Library Thursdays: Out in the web

Paediatrician and father, Len Lenshin's website, is a great source of information on health topics related to Down syndrome. He has also compiled a list of over 200 sites on the Internet dealing with Down syndrome. There are often little gems hidden in these websites. Here's a couple of Down syndrome association websites that have some useful information.

The Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati has a few very good things on their website:

Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas have a nice manual for educators on inclusion, a booklet, All About Me, to help teachers get to know your child, their interests, strengths and skills and Inclusion Solutions newsletter for teachers with tips to promote inclusion.

Another couple things worth mentioning on the web are the recorded webcast of the Siblings talk done by Brian Skotko and Susan Levine (authors of Fasten Your Seatbelt: a crash course on Down syndrome for brothers and sisters--available from the library) as part of the Children's Hospital Boston Allen C. Crocker Lecture Series.

The next live talk webcast will be on Tuesday, 28th Sept. at 9:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m. Sydney time (27/9/10 7:30-9:00pm Boston time). It will be on Obstructive Sleep Apnea in children with Down syndrome by Dr. Dennis Rosen.

Skotko and Levine can also be seen in a Youtube clip discussing a sibling's question: Why do people stare at my brother or sister? It looks like they may be planning to do a series of these judging from Skotko's website's blurb about it.

Lastly, we are looking forward to receiving our copies of the new book by the authors of Mental Wellness, Brian Chicoine and Dennis McGuire: The guide to good health for teens and adults with Down syndrome. Woodbine House's website has a preview of the first chapter, Understanding Common Issues That Affect Health Care. Let us know if you'd like to reserve a copy when the book comes in or if you'd like to borrow anything else.

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