Tuesday 21 September 2010

New research report on ageing, retirement amongst people working in Australian Disability Enterprises

The Australian Government's Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs has published Occasional Paper Number 27:

Ageing and Australian Disability Enterprises, September 2010
by Shannon McDermott, Robyn Edwards, David Abelló and Ilan Katz

This report examines the ageing of people with disability in the supported employment sector (Australian Disability Enterprises), specifically:

•  social and economic issues facing the Australian Disability Enterprise industry and supported employees
•  opportunities and challenges for ageing employees with disability
•  ability of the current service delivery system to meet the needs of ageing workers.

The research also considered the barriers to retirement for people working in Australian Disability Enterprises.

The report can be downloaded from the FAHCSIA website here.

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