Sunday 19 September 2010

Team Australia: 5th World Swimming Championships

Team Australia members were presented with their uniforms for the 5th Internaitonal Down Syndrome Swimming Championships at Noosa recently.  The meet will take place in Taiwan  1st - 8th October 2010.

Lucy is on the left, proudly carrying the flag with her teammate.

Sarah Harvey writes:
The Australian team comprises three swimmers from NSW: Lucy Dumitrescu, Daniel Rumsey and Brendon Foley. It is fantastic to see swimmers with Down syndrome swimming against other swimmers with Down Syndrome from all around the world - a completely level playing field.
The competition will be fierce with more countries competing each time, and world records will be broken. Please wish them luck.

For more information on the Down Syndrome Down Under Swimming Organisation, visit:
Video of the uniform presentation (by university student, Jessica Taylor, for Local 7):

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