Friday 1 October 2010

Down Syndrome NSW: 2010 Annual General meeting

All members and affiliate members are invited to attend the

 31st Annual General Meeting
of Down Syndrome Association of NSW (Down Syndrome NSW)
Wednesday 17th November at 5pm

In the Waratah Room, at
NSW Parliament House, Macquarie St, Sydney

This event (AGM) is free and will be followed by our 30th Anniversary Dinner (see this flier for pricing and details). Please RSVP separately for each event to assist our event planning.

Official business:
• At this meeting, the current Board members and office bearers will stand down and a new Board and
office bearers will be elected.
• A motion will be put to confirm the minutes of the last General Meeting (21st November, 2009)
• A motion will be put to re-appoint Ronald Smith and Co. as the Association’s Auditors for 2010 – 2011
• The Association’s Annual Reports and Accounts will be tabled.

The Agenda, previous minutes,  and accounts will be available prior to the meeting at or by calling 02 9841 4409.

Nominations for the Board and positions of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer must be received by the Executive Officer at least 14 days prior to the Meeting.
To check your membership status or pay your fees please contact Angela Adams on 02 9841 4409,

Further inquiries can be made of the Executive Officer, Steve Clarke, on 9841 4408,

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