Monday 25 October 2010

More from Buddy Walk Sydney .....

From Steve Clarke, Down Syndrome NSW CEO:
Down Syndrome NSW celebrated its 30th Anniversary this weekend at Buddy Walk – Sydney 2010. Since that first formal meeting of the Association on 23rd October, 1980, we really have “come a long way, baby” and we sure we were not going to let a little bit of rain stop our parade.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports close to 1000 people set off from Circular Quay and crossed the Harbour Bridge this year for Buddy Walk on the most miserable cold and wet October day imaginable.
By the end of the Walk our clothes and walking shoes may have been sodden but our spirits were not.
It was only 14 degrees but felt a lot colder as the undeterred Buddy Walkers arrived at around 11am to be greeted by face painters, clowns, sausage sizzle, and the reviving tunes of DJ James Vantol.
Still more came to huddle out of the rain at the Buddy Walk picnic and concert in the Plaza under the Bridge’s great steel deck.

There were plenty of feet hitting the dance floor all afternoon in soggy socks and shoes to groove to a sensational line up of Phil Davidson, Danceability, the Leonie Brown Dancers, “Raise Your Voice” and Steve Passfield’s Handpicked Band.

Big thanks to: all the performers, our wonderful and dedicated volunteers including the teams from JCI International, Boston University, Sydney Cove Rotary, St George Central Rotary, St John’s Ambulance, University of Notre Dame, UP!Club, set up crew “Clinton May and the boys”, stall holders and sponsors Justin Longhurst, Paul Brindle and Cafe2U, raffle prize sponsors BridgeClimb, Craig Wing and NSW State of Origin Team 2010, Citizen Watches, Special Children’s Christmas Party, gift sponsors Tupperware Australia, merchandise sponsor Look Design, drinks sponsor Coca Cola, staging sponsor Butlers Hire, MC Kim Wilson, environmental services Brett Parker, amenities sponsor Annette Holt, volunteer media officer Jess Chalker, communications coordinator Di Draganovic, other event coordinators Tara Grech, Stuart Cook, Brooke Jones and organisers Priscilla Leong, Jackie Little, Margot Elliffe, Shanon Elliffe and Nathan Harrod.
More Buddy Walk Sydney photos here.

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