Thursday 7 October 2010

Rally for Stronger Together: National Disability Services

You, your colleagues, people with disability and families are invited to attend a RALLY FOR STRONGER TOGETHER to be held in the Sydney Opera House forecourt at 12 noon on Thursday 28 October, 2010.

Alan Jones, AO, has agreed to MC the formalities and we need your help to secure the attendance of at least 5,000 people at the rally.

The Premier, Kristina Keneally and Leader of the Opposition, Barry O’Farrell have both been invited to attend and speak at the rally.

Here’s how you can get involved:
•  A website has been created with all information you need:
•  A Facebook page is also operating which you can join to show your support, and you can suggest this page to friends:!/showyourSTRENGTH?ref=ts
• And a Facebook event that you can say you’re attending, and invite friends to attend:!/event.php?eid=155540344471009&index=1
• Attend the Rally for Stronger Together on Thursday 28 October at the Sydney Opera House, and encourage others to attend.

Rally formalities commence at 12 noon and run for approximately 45 minutes, though we advise that you assemble at the Sydney Opera House by 11.30 am.

The theme of the rally is “Show Your STRENGTH”, calling the sector, people with disability, families, carers, and the community to gather in support of the successes achieved over the past five years under Stronger Together and to encourage the Premier and the Opposition Leader to ‘show their strength’ by elevating the critical issue of disability above the political fray and sign a joint commitment to fund the second five years of Stronger Together.

This rally is an opportunity for the disability sector to show its strength and we need your support to make this rally a success.

In the spirit of being ‘stronger together’, the priority of the day is to secure unified, bipartisan support for funding the second five years of Stronger Together. While numerous important issues and challenges face the sector, the focus of the day is the bigger picture of Stronger Together funding rather than compete with other debates and agendas. The rally’s success depends on it, as does the sector’s support to continue to deliver services and outcomes for people with disability, their families and carers in NSW.

National Disability Services - New South Wales

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