Saturday 23 October 2010

The right to an ordinary life

A letter in response to Belinda Frisch's opinion piece on the Supported Living Fund for NSW is published in today's Sydney Morning Herald:

I am a mother of a child who has an intellectual disability. Reading Jack's story evokes strong emotions in me ("Support for living would save lives from despair", October 22). Having experienced disability service systems at first hand, I appreciate the bureaucratic nightmare that exists in a crisis-driven manner.
For Jack to be denied his rite of passage into a home of his own, supported by those who care about him, is outrageous. It demonstrates how little value is placed on people with differences and their right to an ordinary life like other young men and women.
The proposed Supported Living fund gives me hope for a better world for our daughter. Government has the power to light this flame or extinguish it. I need to hear a "yes" from Peter Primrose and Andrew Constance.
Dianne Samuels Towamba

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