Thursday 4 November 2010

Library Thursdays: Oral Motor Therapy

Due to low muscle tone, children with Down syndrome often have problems with feeding and speech which many feel can be helped with oral motor exercises. A speech therapist can help with this plus there are many resources dealing with this on the web. These sites either touch on the theory behind the therapy, suggested exercises or accessories to help.

The library also has a book, Mouth Madness: Oral Motor activities for Children by Catherine Orr, with various exercises.

These are some of the more notable sites:
Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson has done much work on oral-motor issues and her website and blog have information and links to her articles and resources to buy for her program.
Resource guide to oral-motor skill difficulties in children with Down syndrome by Libby Kumin [The library also has many other resources from Kumin--Communication skills in children with Down syndrome, Helping children with Down syndrome communicate better and a couple of DVDs.]

Therapy Toy Shop has products for oral motor therapy.

Many of these activities involve blowing games and activities which will also help with draining fluid in the ears and are fun activities.
If you'd like to borrow Mouth Madness or anything else from the library, just email or call.

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