Wednesday 24 November 2010

Luke 14: supporting people with disabilities in Australian church communities

Luke14 is a CBM initiative aimed at equipping churches to welcome and include people with a disability. It is a process that assists churches to both reach in to improve church access and understanding, and reach out to offer support and friendship to people and families living with a disability in the community.

Luke14 provides the education, training and ongoing support that Christian communities need to become places of welcome for people and families living with a disability. A four-stage process of ministry development is at the heart of Luke14.

Disability ministry is a growing ministry need, yet only 5% of Australian churches have any intentional programs to include people with disabilities.

Inspired by Jesus’ call in Luke 14, CBM Australia has developed a program of the same name that seeks to better equip your church to meet the needs of your community.

The program is being launched in Sydney and in Wollongong this week:

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