Friday 5 November 2010

Minister salutes people with Down syndrome and their families

NSW Minister for Disability Services and Volunteering, Peter Primrose, accepted our invitation to cut the ribbon and lead-off Buddy Walk Sydney on Oct 24th. He came along despite the very inclement weather, and was impressed by the numbers of people who decided to brave it in the name of honouring the people with Down syndrome they love.  Not only did he meet lots of people with Down syndrome of all ages, and speak with families and the many volunteers (readily identifiable in their cheery yellow shirts), but he also pledged an $8,000 donation to the Buddy Walk fund-raising appeal - an unexpected and very welcome boost. Thank you, Minister.

Peita Lind assists the Minsiter in cutting the ribbon ....

... and we're off, through The Rocks and across The Bridge.

Thanks to Craig Peihopa for his wonderful photos of the event - you'll see some more in our quartlerly print publications in December.

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