Tuesday 23 November 2010

Transition to Work creates bridge from school to employment

An evaluation of the NSW Government’s Transition to Work program has shown that more than 50% of participants achieve employment and education outcomes.
The Minister for Disability Services, Peter Primrose, said that the program filled an important gap in disability employment services by enabling many young people with a disability to transition to open and supported employment.
“Many service users and their parents have told us that good employment outcomes would almost certainly not have been achieved without the Transition to Work program.”
Mr Primrose said that the evaluation report From Protection to Productivity – An Evaluation of the Transition to Work Program which was released, highlighted significant achievements for young people in the program.
“It found that Transition to Work is a very well designed initiative which creates bridges to enable young people with a disability to move from school to sustainable employment.
“While the evaluation report said that Transition to Work is delivering outcomes consistent with the aims and requirements of the program it also identified areas that require further development.
“These include the wide variation in the way services are delivered, the mixed employment outcomes achieved by service providers and the varied extent to which providers are able to confidently and pro actively link into the labour market.“
Mr Primrose said that the Keneally Government would continue to work with the disability sector to strengthen the program in line with the evaluation’s report.
The evaluation was commissioned last year by Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) to ensure that the Transition to Work program was assisting young people with a disability to gain employment after finishing school.
Mr Primrose said ADHC would use the report’s findings as a source of valuable information about how best to improve the Transition to Work Program and its employment outcomes.

Source:  Media release, Minister for Disability Services, 5/11//2010

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