Friday 10 December 2010

Commentary on Stronger Together 2: NCOSS

NSW Council on Social Services (NCOSS) has issued a summary and comment on the recent announcement of funding for the second five years of the NSW Government's Stronger Together initiative for disability services:

The entire Stronger Together 2011-2016 can be viewed here

Stronger Together 2011-2016 delivers $ 2.02 billion additional investment in disability supports over 5 years 2011-2016, building on the previous 5 years investment of $1.5 billion in today’s dollars. This totals over $5.5 billion for the Stronger Together period 2006-2016 in new disability spending. This does not include inflation or Commonwealth contributions from the National Disability Agreement, which will be additional. The 2011-2016 allocations will create an additional 47,200 support places for people with disability in NSW.
Some new highlights of this Stronger Together 2011-2016 expenditure include:
  • Emphasis on person-centred approaches becoming available from 2011/2013 with designated funding. From 1 July 2014, all people using ADHC disability services will have the opportunity to convert their services to individualised funding.
  • Closure of large residential centres or disability institutions, with designated funding for most centres. The target date for closures to be finalised is 2017/18.
  •  Annual reporting to Parliament on actual vs. planned expenditure as well as progress on the number of places implemented.

Stronger Together 2011-2016 commitments include: 
  • $63.1m for 4,700 new therapy and behaviour support places
  • $95m for 4,500 new flexible respite places
  • $248.4m for 2,800 new Community Participation places
  • $107.4m for 2,00 new day program places
  • $53m for 380 new intensive family support packages, including 180 packages targeting Aboriginal people and families
  • $21.1m for 1,000 flexible funding packages for children with autism
  • $77.6m for 3,700 early intervention packages for children and young people
  • $62.4m for 300 new Attendant Care places
  • $724.8m for 1,750 supported accommodation places, including the 300 supported living places and capital expenditure
  • $10m for payroll tax exemptions to employers of people with disability.
  • $255.4m towards the closure of government operated and NGO disability institutions
  • $25m training and development initiatives to promote workforce and industry capacity
  • $5m for Social Impact Bonds to improve early intervention outcomes
  • $57.5m for research, development and data initiatives 
NCOSS notes that Stronger Together 2006-2016 will have delivered more new disability support places in the ten years to 2016 than the entire service capacity up to 2005-06 in the areas of:
  • Community support
  • Respite
  • Family support
  • Post School Programs
  • Attendant Care 
This represents an overall increase of 146% over the entire capacity 2005-06 in disability services.
NCOSS welcomes the commitment of the NSW Government to
  • ensure that Stronger Together complies with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • implement the National Disability Strategy towards whole-of-government policies for people with disability
  • work with the Commonwealth and State and Territory Governments on the National Disability Insurance Scheme as a priority
  • work with the Commonwealth on the National Health and Hospital Reform Agreement to secure ongoing support for young people in residential aged care.  
The first phase of Stronger Together had a comprehensive table indicating how much spending would be allocated to which program, benefitting how many people in each year. NCOSS is pleased to see that the second phase 2011-2016 has also included a table with the same details of targets in spending and disability places.


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