Wednesday 22 December 2010

Growing older with Down syndrome: an information event for parents and family carers of people with Down syndrome aged 35 and over

Advance notice of  - registration will open from 11th January 2011

How might growing older impact on our son or daughter?
What do we need to know?
What supports might we need, and where will we find them?
Just how common is dementia? What should we look for?

9.30 am - 2.00 pm
Saturday 26th February 2011

Mary Bills, Alzheimer’s Australia (NSW) educator
Jill O’Connor, Down Syndrome NSW

Your questions are welcome, and time for discussion will be available.

Anderledy Lodge
Hospitality and Conference Centre
(Located within the grounds of Mary MacKillop Place)
80 Williams Street, North Sydney

There is no charge for this event, but booking is essential for catering. Morning tea and a buffet lunch will be provided.
Similar events will be offered in regional NSW during early 2011.
Information on Growing Older with Down Syndrome is also available from the Down Syndrome NSW website, here.
An Australian Government Initiative, presented by Down Syndrome NSW.

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