Thursday 9 December 2010

Library Thursday: an online resource on mental health and children with intellectual disability

The School Link website is home to the Children's Hospital Westmead School Link newsletter and a range of information on mental health and children with intellectual disability, a development of the existing School-Link Initiative to focus on students with an intellectual disability, " ... as they are a significantly at-risk population for experiencing mental health problems and disorders."

Three issues of the School Link Newsletter are available, all published during 2010. Highlights of the December 2010 issue include:
  • Feature article on Positive Behaviour for Learning by Mooney et al 2008 
  • The Training Curriculum Project goes to Rome by Lesley Whatson
  • A Day in the life of Cultural Clinical Consultant and case study by Hadia Baassiri
  • The Medicine Cabinet: Ritalin by George Liangas 
  • Appreciating the more important things of life: Professor Trevor Parmenter’s fest-schrift by Associate Professor David Dossetor
  • Upcoming training 
  • Resources/reading list
  • In the news/reviews 
  • Plus much much more!

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