Tuesday 25 January 2011

Punky cartoon to air in Ireland

The Irish cartoon, Punky that we posted about last September is about to launch on TV.  Aimee Richardson, who voices the child character who has Down syndrome was a guest on Ireland's prime time Saturday Show last weekend. Blogger Nick gives his response to the interview, and more information about both Aimee and Punky here.

It has been reported that the cartoon had attracted interest from Australia - we'll keep our ear to the ground, and if you see anything about it being broadcast here, please let us know.


  1. Hi All

    Our new animated TV Series PUNKY will start on air on 2nd May in Ireland. You can preview clips by following us on Facebook "PUNKY" and YouTube "Punkycartoon" also on twitter @punkycartoon



    Stay tuned.

  2. Hi guys,

    Great to hear Punky is already being talked about in Oz, not least because I've family there and have spent many formative months - nearly two years in about 6 slots! - so if there's anything you'd like to ask, feel free. (I started developing the idea back in 2007).

    We're looking forward to the launch here and the first airing but I linked an episode through to my great-nephew in Sydney. It's an episode where Punky tries to keep the house quiet so Mum, who has a cold, can rest. My great-nephew told his Mum that he had learnt a lesson from this; that if she has a cold he had better be quiet. She told me she was intending to get a cold real soon! Might be a popular episode with mothers!

    Maybe in the next series Punky can come down under!

    All the best, Lindsay J Sedgwick (creator of the series)
