Sunday 30 January 2011

Short and Sweet Theatre Festival, Sydney: you can support Gerard

Gerard O'Dwyer performed in the play Beautiful as part of  Crash Test Drama, a script development competition.  He and Ashley (the other actor) won their heat, picking up best script from both the judges and audience vote. They then went onto the Crash Test Drama Grand Final in early December. The play did not gain a place, however, it was invited to perform as part of the Short and Sweet Theatre Festival which is held annually in Sydney. It is known as the largest short play festival in the world!

It would be great if others can support Gerard by coming along to this play.

Click here for more information about Short and Sweet Theatre Festival.

For all tickets go this link.  The play Gerard is in is called Beautiful, and is in Week 8, 23rd to 27th February.

Best wishes, Gerard.

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