Sunday 27 February 2011

Chance to show we're willing and able to help

Stephen Lunn, Social affairs writer,  The Australian February 26, 2011

For the millions of Australians living with a disability or caring for someone who is, Monday at 2pm will be a watershed moment.

But the rest of us should be no less interested when the Productivity Commission releases its draft report on Disability Care and Support. First, disability can affect any of us at any time. Second, the hit to taxpayers could be significant if the government pursues the commission's anticipated recommendations.

The report is expected to chart the course to a new national disability scheme, one designed to give people with disabilities appropriate levels of care and support across their lifetime. Part of the new approach may well be a no-fault national disability insurance scheme, the nirvana of the disability sector.

.... read on here for the remainder of this article from The Australian.

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