Monday 28 February 2011

Productivity Commission's draft report on Disability Care and Support - links

Here is the link to the Productivity Commission's draft report on Disability Care and Support - it does take a while to download.

Key points are here.

Public hearings for the draft report - registration information is here.

ABC News report is here.

The Australian's news report is here.

The draft report has been released for comment before the final report is tabled in Parliament on 31st July 2011.

The Inquiry's home page is here and lists numerous contacts. Submissions are open until 30th April 2011.

1/3/2011:  A joint press release from Jenny Macklin, The Minsiter for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs,   Bill Shorten MP, Assistant Treasurer, and Senator Jan McLucas, Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers is available here.

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