Friday 18 February 2011

Tell the Minister and ADHC about our priorities for the implementation of Stronger Together 2

The Minister for Disability Services, Peter Primrose and senior ADHC staff are leading community information sessions around the state during February and March. This provides an opportunity to send a clear message complimenting the general direction of Stronger Together 2 and reinforcing our campaign priorities.

Find the consultation closest to you from the ADHC website (unfortunately some have already happened), and/or post a comment or feedback Online Q&A

Family Advocacy and InControl Australia have launched a campaign to promote the implementation of the Stronger Together2 commitments to Self Directed Support:

Campaign Priorities

Priority 1: Providing all existing and new users of government and non government disability services the opportunity to direct their own support.

We will be looking to ensure that:
  • people who want control over their resources have the opportunity at the earliest time;
  • individualised portable funding arrangements translate into choice, voice and control.
Priority 2: Providing decision making support that is independent of government and service providers.

We will be working to ensure that:
  • the ‘decision making resources’ are independent of government and service providers, able to be accessed easily and give the person with disability control
Priority 3: Transition support for services

We will be working to ensure that:

  •   the voices of people with disability and families are heard in the process of service transformation.
Priority 4: Administrative processes consistent with a self directed approach.

We will be working to ensure that:

  • the Stronger Together goal of “choice, portability and flexibility in funding and supports” means that people have control over how the money is used;
  • government and service provider processes do not intrude into people’s lives; and
  • there is a minimum of bureaucracy and paperwork.
For information about Self Directed Supports: A NSW Campaign

to join the campaign 

Follow the campaign on facebook

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