Wednesday 23 February 2011

Today I learned something about Down syndrome

From a man apparently unafraid to admit he had something to learn, from just the right teacher  ....

I'm sitting at Starbucks (that's a worldwide chain of coffee shops), checking email, making phone calls, "sipping my triple tall non-fat latte," and thinking about the fact that people with Down Syndrome make me uncomfortable.

My fear is that if I make eye-contact with a Down Syndrome person they will talk to me, I won't understand them, and then I'll feel embarrassed. (Yes Virginia, this phobia is "all about me").

So this particular Starbucks employs a young woman who has Down Syndrome. (I was going say "is afflicted" or "is a victim" of Down Syndrome, but my lack of knowledge of this syndrome leaves me wondering if "afflicted" or "victim" are appropriate descriptions).

The young woman's job is to dust, sweep the floor, clean the display case, bus the tables, and water the plants. She goes about her business with extreme diligence and a broad smile.

So I was sitting there working on a quote for a customer, when my fear became a reality.  The relative quiet of the establishment was broken with the words, "So how are you doing today?"  I glanced up to see the beaming young woman looking right at me ....... read on from The World According to Roger

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