Thursday 24 March 2011

Invitations to participate in research studies

From time to time, Down Syndrome NSW is able to put researchers in touch with people with Down syndrome and their families to help with recruitment of participants for their studies. Two Sydney studies are currently recruiting:

Expression of emotions study - Macquarie University (March 2011)
Participants with Down syndrome over 6 years of age are being sought by a psychology honours student.  Further information about the project is available here.
This research project has been approved by the Macquarie University Human Ethics Committee.

Memory development in preschoolers and adults with Down syndrome - University of NSW (throughout 2011)
We are currently looking for participants aged 3-5 years old with Down syndrome for a study at the University of New South Wales.
The study would involve your child playing a series of memory games with pictures and toys. Your child will also participate in a standardized task to measure cognitive and communication skills.
The study is on-campus and $20 petrol costs and paid-parking will be reimbursed. Your child will also get to choose a small toy to take home at the end of the session.

From March 2011, a second stage of this project will be implemented, with adult subjects:

We are currently looking for participants aged 20-50 years old with Down Syndrome for a study at the University of New South Wales.
The study will involve participating in a series of memory tasks with pictures and objects and a standardized task to measure cognitive and communication skills.

If you’re interested in further information about either part of the study, or would like to participate, please contact Lynette Roberts on  0405 721 076 or at

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