Sunday 27 March 2011

Older Parent Carer project: a Sydney example

An Older Parent Carer Project operating in Sydney's north was highlighted in this month's Working Carers' Gateway Newsletter.

... The project offers holistic case management for carers over the age of 60, or 45 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers who are caring for their adult son or daughter with a disability. The OPC assists and supports these carers to maintain their caring role for as long as possible and where needed, can refer and link to relevant community support services to help achieve this.

One of the major aims of the project is developing a futures plan for the family. Families do NOT have to be in current crisis in order to be referred! Anyone can refer, including carers themselves.

The OPC can provide older parent carers with information about supported accommodation services (both traditional options as well as possible alternative housing arrangements), health care information, and information on legal issues such as wills, trusts, powers of attorney and guardianship to enable them to make decisions regarding future care for their son or daughter with a disability ...  read on for more about this Older Parent Carer Project

The project's own website is here:  Community Care Northern Beaches Older parent Carer Project

Further information about help for Older Parent Carers across NSW is available from Carers NSW - type 'older parent carers' into the search box under the menus at the left of the screen.

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